Alpbach Gipfelstürmerinnen 2021
look! hosted a high-calibre panel discussion as part of this year's meeting of the "Alpbach Summit Stormers" in August 2021.
Securing our Future: Ideas are feminine
On August 26, 2021 look! hosted the annual Alpbach " Peak Stormers" breakfast. Afterwards, an informative and top-class panel discussion took place.
The topic: "Securing our Future: Ideas are female - Why we can only save the world with decision makers, entepreneurs and idea creators".
Moderated by look! editor Uschi Pöttler-Fellner, the speakers were:
- Ines Schwandner, Leitung ORF-Seitenblicke
- Christiane Noll, CEO Avanade DACH
- Dr. Alexandra Kauzky-Willer, Gender-Medinzinerin Med. Uni Wien und ärztliche Leiterin des la pura Resort
- Gerlinde Layr, Vorstandsvorsitzende Zukunft Frauen
- Gabriele Stanek, Head Key Account von UNICEF Österreich
- Mag. Sandra Bascha, Leitung Kommunikation Österreich New Work SE – Betreiberfirma des beruflichen Netzwerks XING
- Anna Azaryan, Gründerin & Managing Director der Affinity Brands GmbH
- Petra Grell-Kunzinger, Geschäftsführerin von Bright Brains, Gründerin der Pflege-Bewertungsplattform miazorgo
- Ing. Andrea Höllbacher, Geschäftsführerin von Glorit