Cercle Diplomatique

The editors of Cercle Diplomatique, Andrea Fürnweger and Alexander Bursky, together with Hermann Krammer, General Director of the Donauturm, invited to the presentation of the fall issue in September 2022.

A warm welcome from the Danube Tower

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

The celebration was held with guests from diplomacy, politics, business, culture & society in fantastic weather in the garden of the Donaubräu.

Guest of honor was H.E. Aftab Ahmad Khokher, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Reception at the Donaubräu at the foot of the Danube Tower

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Guests also had the opportunity to view Vienna from the observation deck of the Danube Tower.

Reception with dessert and drinks high up at the Danube Tower

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

Philipp Hutter / Cercle Diplomatique

During the event, donations for the victims of the flood disaster in Pakistan were also collected and handed over to the Embassy.

Fundraising for the victims of the flood disaster in Pakistan

Of course, the guests were treated to culinary delights at the foot of the Danube Tower.

Culinary impressions of the Donaubräu

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

At the end of the event, all guests received 2 gift bags each - one of them with specialties from Pakistan.

Farewell gifts

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter

Cercle Diplomatique / Philipp Hutter