Punch and Judy training and performance
Kinderfreunde Donaustadt and the Donauturm have teamed up to organise an extraordinary event: a Punch and Judy workshop and Punch and Judy shows!
Mikail Akar
October 22, 2022: At the age of ten, Mikail Akar is considered the youngest abstract artist in the world and impresses the entire art scene with his extraordinary talent.
Digitalisierung – quo vadis?
Am 10.Oktober 2022 fand im Rahmen der Reihe „Wissenschaft mit Weitblick“ des Forum Mobilkommunikation die Diskussion zum Thema „Digitalisierung – quo vadis? Die Welt in 50 Jahren“ am Wiener Donauturm statt.
top of Adventmarket
An Advent market will take place at the Donaubräu from 18 to 20 November 2022
Do schau her Typisch Wien
13. September 2022: Do schau her TYPISCH Wien: Christoph Fälbl und Petra Rubin sind unterwegs in der Donaustadt und besuchen uns in luftiger Höhe.
Cercle Diplomatique
The editors of Cercle Diplomatique, Andrea Fürnweger and Alexander Bursky, together with Hermann Krammer, General Director of the Donauturm, invited to the presentation of the fall issue in September 2022.
Vienna Classic Days 2022
Am Wochenende vom 20. bis 21. August 2022 fanden wieder die Vienna Classic Days statt.
Summer party of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
A specialist group of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce organised its summer party at the Donaubräu in June 2022.
Press conference of the Donaupark stage
The press conference for the start of the Donaupark 2022 stage season took place in the Donaubräu restaurant garden.
Company celebration of Nokia
The Donaubräu is a fantastic location for events of all kinds - especially for summer parties in June 2022.
Maypole festival
The maypole symbolises prosperity and growth as well as good luck and blessings. On 1 May 2022, the Donaubräu celebrated around the maypole with live music.
Christmas market at the foot of the Danube Tower
From 19 to 21 November 2021, a Christmas market took place at the Donaubräu - lovingly organised by Flobox, a master floristry company.