Donauturm illuminated Blue: Vienna Raises Awareness for PCOS

On September 1, 2024, the Donauturm in Vienna was lit in blue, symbolizing support for World PCOS Day and PCOS Awareness Month.

This global initiative, led by PCOS Challenge, aims to raise awareness for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), one of the most common yet underdiagnosed hormonal disorders affecting women.

PCOS impacts up to 20% of women worldwide, often going undetected and untreated. The consequences can be severe, ranging from infertility to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Despite these risks, many women remain unaware that they have PCOS, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and better healthcare.

The blue illumination of the Donauturm not only increases visibility for PCOS but also shows solidarity with the millions of women affected by this condition. By raising awareness and educating the public, we can help ensure that more women receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment.

Take this opportunity to learn more about PCOS and support ongoing efforts to improve healthcare and research for those affected.

For more information about PCOS Awareness Month and how you can get involved, visit the official website: PCOS Awareness Month.