Tag: Corporate

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Innovation Main

top of Innovation: a change awaits the Vienna skyline

August 29, 2023: Built in 1964, the Danube Tower is approaching its 60th anniversary. Under the motto "Top of Innovation", we are planning a spectacular innovation from 11 September 2023 that will revolutionise the view of Vienna.

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Drehmechanismus MAIN

Temporary break of our 360° panorama rotating mechanism in the Tower Café

August 24, 2023: We would like to inform you that our popular technical rotation, which offers you a unique 360° panoramic view in the Turm Café while you sit relaxed at your table, is unfortunately not working at the moment.

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Turm Restaurant Team Main

Culinary pleasure at the highest level

July 21, 2023: In this Falstaff article, discover how Vienna's Donauturm, an architectural landmark, has become a renowned culinary destination and join us on a journey through the finest regional cuisine, led by Executive Chef Andreas Widgruber, who takes quality and modern interpretations of traditional dishes to new heights.

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Donauparkbahn Main

A lunch break full of surprises

July 19, 2023: It was a normal working day at the Donauturm, Vienna's landmark, when an unexpected surprise broke the routine. Doni, the Danube Tower's cheerful and lovable mascot, had a special plan for the Danube Tower team.

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Food Shooting Main

Culinary flights of fancy in the Danube Tower - exclusive photo shooting

July 19, 2023: Recently, an exclusive photo shoot took place at the Turm Restaurant, where the delicious drinks and selected dishes were staged to tantalize the senses of visitors.

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Tiere Main

Animals in the Danube Park around the Danube Tower and Donaubräu

The Danube Park in Vienna is not only a popular destination for recreation and sports enthusiasts, but also a true paradise for animal lovers. In the midst of this green oasis, there is a diverse animal world to discover, making the park a unique place of nature.

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Ferienspiel Main

A contribution of the Danube Tower to the Ferienspiel-Startfest in the Donaupark

July 4, 2023: As a proud landmark of Vienna and part of the vibrant city community, the Danube Tower always strives to create unique experiences.

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Finale Schulschluss Main

Unforgettable testimony: A free ice cream for over 60 beaming children

July 1, 2023: The last day of school marks a significant milestone in the life of every student. To properly celebrate this special moment, we recently had the pleasure of welcoming over 60 children to an unforgettable report card ceremony.

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Duati Main

Film shooting by Ducati in the Danube Tower

June 22, 2023: Under the bright skies of Vienna recently took place a spectacular photo shoot that attracted the attention of motorcycle enthusiasts.

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Hauptfoto Blogbeitrag

Creative souvenir photos with the latest technology

Turn your stay at the Danube Tower into an unforgettable memory. Together with our photographer or at the automatic photo points, you can create your own souvenir photo thanks to exciting and state-of-the-art technology. The perfect souvenir of your beautiful day at the Danube Tower.

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Brandschutzübung Main

The importance of fire drills and fire safety training

Safety is the top priority at the Danube Tower. That is why fire drills are held annually for all employees.

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Bierguide Main

Conrad Seidl and the Donaubräu: A triple Krügerl award

May 29, 2023: Conrad Seidl, born August 11, 1958 in Vienna, is an Austrian political editor and publicist. However, he is known in the beer world as the self-proclaimed "Beer Pope.

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